How $5 Can Help Stop the Pipeline

A simple newspaper ad can help stop the proposed Bakken Pipeline. Can you contribute $5, $25, or more to help place ads?

Many landowners are under intense pressure to sign easements; it is essential that landowners and communities know they are not alone and that the Bakken PipelineResistance Coalition is working hard to support them.

Click here to help place ads in newspapers across the state today.

With your help, information will be placed in newspapers in key areas along the pipelineroute. Big Oil has already placed ads in papers across Iowa. It’s our job to make sure Iowans hear our message, too – together, we’ll stop this pipeline.

Your tax-deductible donation will fund advertisements that can bring welcome support to landowners whose farms and communities are in harm’s way and will help educate, energize and engage Iowans as to why stopping this pipeline is so important.

Go here to contribute today

We’ll be sure to keep you updated on our fundraising goals. Together, we’ll stop this pipeline!