IUB Public Hearing: A win for farmers, landowners and community members


Members of the Bakken Pipeline Resistance Coalition, representing its partner organizations from across Iowa, joined together November 12th at the Iowa Utilities Board public hearing in Boone. Farmers, landowners, and concerned citizens called on the Iowa Utilities Board to reject the proposed Bakken Pipeline. Their reasons ranged from protecting landowners’ rights to avoiding catastrophic spills to combatting climate change.

140 Iowans registered to speak in opposition to the pipeline while only 54 registered in support. Opponents of the pipeline included landowners, farmers, and concerned community members from across the state, as well as representatives from nonprofits, faith-based organizations, environmental groups, farm organizations, and others.

Opponents of the pipeline unanimously asserted that the Bakken Pipeline will not serve the public convenience and necessity of Iowans, the mandated criteria upon which the Iowa Utilities Board is tasked is tasked to make its decision.

Iowan Mary Richards emphasized the Board’s obligation to provide safe utility services to all Iowans, and that this pipeline only burdens Iowa and our future generations with risk: “I urge you to adhere to your board’s mission statement and deny the Bakken Pipeline.”

Other opponents emphasized a variety of risks Dakota Access’s Bakken Pipeline poses.

Iowan Lou Bolster focused on the risks inherent in trusting an out-of-state limited liability corporation with Iowa’s future. “This is not a public utility; limited liability corporations exists for one reason and one reason only: to produce profits for themselves.”

Other Iowans against the pipeline emphasized the importance of the state’s soil and agricultural legacy:

“Iowa soil does not come with a price tag. It cannot be bought by a company that only stands for big profits. Members of the Iowa Utilities Board, I ask that you stand with me – with Iowa – and vote to oppose the Bakken Oil Pipeline.” – Melonie Stall, Iowan

Opponents also warned of the pipeline’s impact on advancing climate change.

Iowan Patti Edwardson urged the IUB to consider future generations: “The voices that we do not hear today need to be considered. They are the voices of future generations who will be impacted most by the pipeline decision and the risks this pipeline poses.”

Iowan Jonas Magram also focused on climate change. “At least one study on the economic impact of unchecked climate change, reported on in the Des Moines Register, predicts it could cost Iowa farmers and manufacturers billions of dollars.”

Iowan Ross Grooters was among many who emphasized the need for the world to transition to a clean energy economy, and away from our dependence on fossil fuels. “For economic and worker justice, we need to end our addiction to fossil fuels …”

The Bakken Pipeline Resistance Coalition is a statewide coalition of organizations representing landowners, community members, non-profits, and interest groups united to stop the construction of the Bakken Pipeline. For a complete list of our member organizations, click here.