Members of the Meskwaki tribe have organized a solidarity event taking place Friday, March 10 in Des Moines. We’re forwarding their message and hope to see you there!
Friday, March 10, 2017
11:30am – 1:30pm
State of Iowa Capitol Building West Steps

Tribal leaders and members from across the nation will be lobbying for Indigenous Nations rights to tribal sovereignty, and the rights to protect their homelands, environment and future generations in the days leading up to the March.
For those of us who are unable to attend in Washington, DC, we are holding a peaceful gathering on March 10th at the Iowa State Capitol Building in prayer and support for all Meskwaki members, Indigenous people and environment and water protectors as we continue the fight to protect our home, our environment and fight to maintain tribal sovereignty right here in Iowa.
For more information on the event planned in Washington, DC, please visit and
Mni Wiconi
Nebi Bematesieni
Water Is Life