Justice for Iowa Rally!

Join Iowans as we take the pipeline fight to the Iowa Supreme Court!

Thursday, March 16th

11:00 am to 12:30 pm

North Terrace of the Iowa Supreme Courthouse

Iowa Judicial Branch Building

111 East Court Avenue

Des Moines, IA 50319

RSVP here

Facebook event page here

Join the Bakken Pipeline Resistance Coalition on Thursday, March 16th to support landowners and all Iowans fighting to protect our water and soil.

Together, we will call on the Iowa State Supreme Court to put the public interest over a for-profit out-of-state oil company!


On March 16th, the Iowa Sierra Club and landowners will officially file their appeal with the Iowa Supreme Court.

We need you there to let the court see that public interest must stand before private profit. We will rally in front of the Supreme Court Building to support the plaintiffs and to call on the Iowa Supreme Court to put people before pipelines!

One year ago, the Iowa Utility Board (IUB) inappropriately granted the use of eminent domain, approving the permit for Dakota Access to build their dirty crude oil pipeline.

But Iowa law is clear–the IUB can only use eminent domain for public utility projects and only if the services provide a clear public benefit. The Dakota Access pipeline does meet either of those criteria.

Our government officials failed us by putting corporate profits over landowner rights, so we are taking it all the way to the Iowa Supreme Court to ensure that justice is served.

For more information, contact Coalition partner contacts:

Kari Carney (1000 Friends of Iowa) at kari@1000friendsofiowa.org


Matt Ohloff (Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement) at matto@iowacci.org